Some people freak out about this meal,but I’m from Southeast Texas and I absolutely love fried Squirrels.These are all squirrels,cleaned and prepared by me. Yes they are huge pieces. No drumsticks as some may say or wings. These are all squirrels.The tender lower backs do look like drum sticks and these are big grey(cat) squirrels that were eating our deer corn at our feeders all this last deer season. Pinto beans and cornbread. Yes these are pinto beans.Lighting may not be good,but they are pintos. I don’t steam or pressure cook them or par boil the squirrels first. All I do is dip in egg,dredge in salt and peppered flour,then fry on medium. Not too long or they will be tough.Please no insults about eating them. Living off the land isn’t a bad thing. Hope this brings back good memories for some 😊❤️❤️